Media release

Phone hookup of ICC Advisory Panel to discuss Brett Lee

The International Cricket Council's (ICC) Advisory Panel on Illegal Deliveries will have a telephone hook-up to discuss the action of Australian fast bowler Brett Lee this evening (Tuesday 1 August) at 7pm Melbourne time

The International Cricket Council's (ICC) Advisory Panel on Illegal Deliveries will have a telephone hook-up to discuss the action of Australian fast bowler Brett Lee this evening (Tuesday 1 August) at 7pm Melbourne time.
Brett will take part in the hearing, alongside Australian Cricket Board (ACB) Chief Executive Officer Malcolm Speed, at the ACB's offices in Melbourne.
Former Australian fast bowler Dennis Lillee, who has coached Brett extensively, will also take part as an expert witness during the hook-up.
The hearing is expected to last at least two hours.
It is also expected that Brett Lee and Malcolm Speed will hold a media conference on the outcome of the hearing at LiveWire at Colonial Stadium on Wednesday morning at 10am.