
Pakistan demand Hair inquiry

Pakistan have lodged a formal written complaint against umpire Darrell Hair with the ICC and have asked for an inquiry into his conduct during the controversial Oval Test in August

Cricinfo staff

Darrell Hair: Pakistan have asked for an inquiry © Getty Images
Pakistan have lodged a formal written complaint against umpire Darrell Hair with the ICC and have asked for an inquiry into his conduct during the controversial Oval Test in August.
"The letter outlines instances where we feel he violated the Code of Conduct," said board spokesman Saleem Altaf. "We believe that an inquiry is necessary as it will have a bearing on the compensation claim."
The Pakistan board has rejected a claim for compensation totaling £800,000 lodged by its English counterparts. It maintains that the abandonment of the Oval Test resulted from the actions of the umpires and it should fall on the ICC, which employs all match officials, to cover such a claim.