Club News

19 April 1998

Glamorgan began the defence of their county title bolstered by the good news that both Steve Watkin and Robert Croft have signed new contracts which will further extend their careers with Glamorgan. Watkin has agreed a one-year extension to his current deal, while Croft has signed a five year deal, which will see him in Glamorgan colours until 2002. This is very heartening news as Glamorgan seek to build on the success of 1997, keeping together the nucleus of the Championship-winning team, and ensuring that last summer`s success was not a flash in the pan.

Watkin said "I`m pleased that this has been settled at the start of my Benefit Year. It`s nice to start the new season without worrying whether I would be offered a new contract at the end of the summer. Players signing new contracts and committing themselves to the club can only be good for team spirit. Most of the squad are here for the next two years at least and hopefully, we can go from strength to strength."

Robert Croft`s five year deal will take him through to 2002, by which time the England off-spinner will be looking forward to a lucrative Benefit. He would have been a natural target for other English counties, but as Croft said "I`m a Welshman through and through, and it has been a privilege to have won two trophies with Glamorgan. I just could not see myself playing for any other county. Glamorgan have given me everything and they deserve my loyalty."

Secretary Mike Fatkin was also pleased with the news. "We`re delighted with these signings", he said."It is important to keep the core of the team together and the senior players are very much a part of that."