Club News

1 November 1998

It was announced today that Glamorgan`s Vice-captain Tony Cottey has formally rejected the offer of a new two-year contract with the Welsh club, and has opted instead to join Sussex C.C.C. on a five-year contract. Cottey, 32, has been with the County since the early 1980`s, making his Glamorgan debut in 1986 and has scored more than 10,000 first-class runs in his career to date. He was a key member of the sides which won the Sunday League title in 1993 and the County Championship in 1997.
"It will be an enormous wrench to leave Glamorgan where I`ve enjoyed so many good times ever since I began my involvement as a county player, " said Cottey. "I will miss the dressing room environment and the other Glamorgan players, who are all good friends of mine, as well as the staff and supporters, but I feel the move to Sussex is the right one for me at this time."

"I wouldn`t be totally honest if I didn`t say that I was disappointed that the Committee`s offer wasn`t subsequently improved to a three-year term, which was what I wanted, but having said that I`ve been proud to play for Glamorgan over the years and would not want to leave on bad terms as the county has been very good to me during my career."

"I would like to emphasize that my decision has not been influenced by money; Glamorgan`s offer was a generous one, but Sussex are guaranteeing me a playing contract for five seasons, something which I could not guarantee would be the case had I opted to sign the contract offered to me by the Glamorgan Committee. It is a question at this stage in my career of security for me and my family and of the challenge the move will bring me."

"I believe that I will be able to play a big part in revitalizing Sussex`s fortunes and I am looking forward to the challenge very much. There is a lot of talent on the staff there and I know I can play my part in enabling Sussex to challenge for honours."

"On a personal note, I would like to wish everyone at Glamorgan well, particularly the players and supporters. The backing I`ve had from the Welsh public has always been second to none, and I`ll miss that. I know that Duncan Fletcher`s return, together with the emergence of so many promising young players, will bring some more good times in the future. I have a winter`s work ahead of me with the Cricket Board of Wales, which I am looking forward to, and I am already relishing the prospect of being back in Cardiff for what will be Glamorgan`s first home match of the 1999 season."

Glamorgan Secretary Mike Fatkin said "Clearly we are all extremely disappointed that Tony has decided to turn the Committee`s offer down and leave for another county. We are losing one of our more experienced players who has always been seen as an integral part of the side and a player we desperately wanted to keep over the next few years."

"The question of a Benefit has, we know, been mentioned as a factor in Tony`s decision. I think it is important to emphasize that his decision to leave is largely based around the lengths of the various contracts on offer and it is unfair - both to Tony and to the Club - to suggest that this has been about a Benefit."

"We felt that the offer we made to Tony was a very generous one; one that reflected our wish for him to remain a Glamorgan player over the next few years and many people at the Club have made determined efforts to persuade him to stay. The nature of our discussions are obviously confidential, but despite our disapponitment on learning of his decision to go, we respect Tony`s right to turn the offer down and we wish him well at Sussex where I`m sure he will play a significant role both on and off the field."

"We shall miss his all-round contribution and whilst we have every confidence in the likes of Mike Powell, Wayne Law and Alun Evans, who will all have more responsibility as a result of today`s announcement, we will be looking to reinforce the squad with another batsman before the start of next season."